We are open daily from 10.00am

Scout groups

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Looking to book a general Scout visit?

Why not make life easy and bring your pack or troop to the RAF Museum Midlands? This great day out will assist with learning how aircraft fly and there is the chance to work towards aviation badges for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.

Please note, the above does not refer to the Scouts Takeover Day event. To see availability for our Learning Team's Scouts Takeover Day, please click here.

The souvenir shop can provide pre-packed Goody Bags to the value of £4.00 and £6.00, including some of our most popular pocket money toys.

For Scout groups booked in advance there is the option to visit the 4D Experience for a group rate of £4.00 per person (full price ticket = £5.00).

Flight Zone Tokens

Enjoy discounted ticket prices to our Flight Zone experiences by purchasing saver packs of Flight Zone tokens. 1 token is valid for 1 “flight” on any of our Flight Zone experiences. Normal experience ticket price is £5.00.

Buy Flight Zone Tokens

To book your scout visit please click on the link below and use the ‘Adult Group Leader' and ‘Child Group Admission’ sections.

Book now button

Download a Risk Assessment form here.

For further information please email the Customer Care Team at midlands@rafmuseum.org

Talk to a Pilot

Speak with one of our pilot volunteers and hear stories from the cockpit in an informal 30-minute session. This fun and informative first-hand flying account from the experts will give young people an insight into the world of flight, with an opportunity to ask questions.

For a more in-depth exploration of what it’s really like to be at the controls of an aircraft, book our 60-minute session with a pilot. Within this, young people will learn about the principles of flight, and how lift, weight, drag, and thrust all interact together to determine an aircraft’s trajectory. Our pilots will share anecdotes from their years of flying experience, with time at the end to answer any questions.

A photograph of a Royal Air Force Pilot talking to a Scout. The RAF pilot is wearing a green RAF flight suit, and the young girl is wearing a scouts uniform.

Exclusive VC10 Experience

Want to put what you’ve learned from the pilot into practice and take the captain’s seat of an airliner?  For an additional £20 per group your pilot guide will take you onboard our VC10, where you can visit the cockpit and gain a more hands on insight into the world of flight. 

A pilot gives a talk on aircraft instruments at the Royal Air Force Museum Midlands

Two men sit in the VC10 cockpit, surrounded by flight controls.

Self-guided visits

Our special downloadable trails for self-guided visits encourage everyone to work together to gain the aviation badges.

Stage 1: Air Activities Badge
Stage 2: Air Activities Badge
Stage 3: Air Activities Badge