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Test pilots

Tim Bracey traces the history of the aircraft at the RAF Museum and explores the story of the test pilots who have flown them.

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The Spitfire Scramble Obstacle Course

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Flight Simulation and Synthetic Trainers

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Test Page Bolser

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Test Pilot Experience

A thrilling talk by Dave Best OBE on what it is really like to be a test pilot

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Flight Simulator

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Flight Simulator

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Bouncing Bomb Tests

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Test Flight

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Test and Trace

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14 Course, No.4 Educational and Vocational School

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The Spitfire:Design and Testing

The Spitfire is a classic fighter aircraft, one of the most famous and well loved aeroplanes in the World. This podcast begins a series on the Spitfire with an outline of its origins, through technical challenges and developments which made it such a

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London’s latest innovation

One of the new wonderful innovations we are introducing as part of our grand re-opening are Alinkers. We would like all our visitors to enjoy every bit of our newly re-landscaped site but recognise that for some walking for long periods of time may be tiring. Therefore, we are introducing these easy-to-operate devices which you sit on and steer like a bicycle while walking in a very comfortable sitting position.

Alinkers are distributed in the UK by Pyxis Edinburgh. We are the first UK Museum to provide them for our visitors. These are available for use, free of charge.

Admission to our London site is also free.

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Dornier Frame Test at Cosford April 2013

In partnership with Seatech, the RAF Museum is planning to recover what is thought to be the only surviving Dornier 17. Shot down off the Kent coast and landing in the English Channel, this video shows the work required to build a lifting frame to enable the aircraft to be successfully removed from the sea bed.

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Fairey Separation Test Vehicle (STV)

Inert test missile fitted with four solid fuel booster rockets for development work.

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