

Operation Jericho: The Amiens Raid

On the 18th February 1944, the Royal Air Force launched one of its most daring wartime raids. Operation Jericho, a raid on a prison in Amiens to free resistance prisoners who faced execution, is a little-known but was an incredibly daring raid by the
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601 – The Flying Sword

The Royal Air Force Museum London, as part of its Veterans' Day celebrations of May 2009, unveiled a memorial to the members of 601 Squadron. The Squadron itself was stationed intermittently on the Museum's site between 1927 and 1949
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Operation Corporate: The RAF’s role in the Falklands Campaign

This podcast tells the story of the RAF's response to an unexpected war 8000 miles away from Britain.
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Women of the Air Force

It is 70 years since the Women's Auxiliary Air Force (the WAAF) was formed on 28th June 1939. To commemorate the formation of the WAAF but also to raise awareness of the contribution made by women serving in the air force
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Hendon Habit

This podcast tells how the RAF Museum's London Site was the cradle of the British aviation industry, and a source of rich and exciting entertainment.
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The Story of the TSR-2

Through the history of Britain's aircraft industry there are stories of projects that failed to get off the page, and those that scarcely got off the ground, before being cancelled.
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Dowding: Architect of Victory

A biography of Air Chief Marshal Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding, later Lord Dowding of Bentley Priory. Dowding was a man with a long a varied career, including being the commander who steered Fighter Command to Victory in the Battle of Britain.
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The Dams Raid

The Dams Raid is the most famous RAF Bomber Command Operation, and it's remembered by so many because of the film, one of the greatest war films in British cinema history.
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Remembrance: Key Stage 1

This podcast for younger listeners explains Remembrance: How can we remember people who died to protect us? And, why do we wear poppies and stand silently for two minutes on the 11th November each year?
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Lest We Forget

"Lest We Forget" looks at the opening of our London Museum's permanent Remembrance exhibition and the importance of Remembrance to everyone. The podcast also includes an interview with Henry Allingham.
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The Spitfire:Design and Testing

The Spitfire is a classic fighter aircraft, one of the most famous and well loved aeroplanes in the World. This podcast begins a series on the Spitfire with an outline of its origins, through technical challenges and developments which made it such a
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Air Power 1918: The Battle of Megiddo

Right from the outbreak of the First World War, Britain had found herself fighting in the Middle East. The Ottoman Empire, who controlled Turkey, Palestine, Jordon and Mesopotamia, were allied to Germany, and they threatened British territories in No
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The Royal Air Force in 1918

The Royal Air Force was formed on 1 April 1918 as the independent air arm of Britain's armed forces, amalgamating the RFC and RNAS. This momentous event was met with very little fanfare or celebration for the First World War had reached a critical po
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Bomber Ops: The Lancaster

More than fifty-five thousand aircrew from Bomber Command died serving on aircraft like the Avro Lancaster, which was the backbone of the RAF's Bomber Fleet. The Museum's Lancaster Mk. 1 R5868 "S-for-Sugar" is a rare survivor of over one hundred miss
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Bomber Ops: The Peenemunde Raid

The raid on the V-1 and V-2 Research plant at Peenemunde on the Baltic Coast of Germany is a little heard story of Bomber Command's success. This podcast tells how a scientist's report on the top-secret work was leaked to the Allies, and how the atta
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