For Valour: Acting Flight Sergeant Arthur Louis Aaron

FS Arthur Lewis Aaron VC, DFM, formal portrait photograph, in uniform.

Location: 12 August 1943, over Italy

Who: Acting Flight Sergeant Arthur Louis Aaron VC DFM, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, 5 March 1922 – 13 August 1943

As well as attacks on strategic targets in Germany, Bomber Command sometimes attacked factories in Italy, with the Bomber Command War Diary recording that ‘On the night of 12/13 August 1943, Stirling aircraft were despatched to Turin with Halifaxes going to Milan’. Italy was always a difficult target for Stirlings as their limited ceiling was below many of the Alpine peaks they had to traverse. At that time, Aaron was attached to 218 (Gold Coast) Squadron, Bomber Command, and was captain and pilot of Short Stirling serial EF 452 and coded HA.O, based at RAF Downham Market.

The VC medal

London Gazette Friday 5 November 1943:

“The KING has been graciously pleased to confer the VICTORIA CROSS on the under-mentioned airman in recognition of most conspicuous bravery: — 1458181 Acting Flight Sergeant Arthur Louis AARON, D.F.M., Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 218 Squadron (deceased). On the night of 12th August, 1943, Flight Sergeant Aaron was captain and pilot of a Stirling aircraft detailed to attack Turin. When approaching to attack, the bomber received devastating bursts of fire from an enemy fighter. Three engines were hit, the windscreen shattered, the front and rear turrets put out of action and the elevator control damaged, causing the aircraft to become unstable and difficult to control. The navigator was killed and other members of the crew were wounded. A bullet struck Flight Sergeant Aaron in the face, breaking his jaw and tearing away part of his face. He was also wounded in the lung and his right arm was rendered useless. As he fell forward over the control column, the aircraft dived several thousand feet. Control was regained by the flight engineer at 3,000 feet. Unable to speak, Flight Sergeant Aaron urged the bomb aimer by signs to take over the controls. Course was then set southwards in an endeavour to fly the crippled bomber, with one engine out of action, to Sicily or North Africa. Flight Sergeant Aaron was assisted to the rear of the aircraft and treated with morphia. After resting for some time he rallied and, mindful of his responsibility as captain of aircraft, insisted on returning to the pilot’s cockpit, where he was lifted into his seat and had his feet placed on the rudder bar. Twice he made determined attempts to take control and hold the aircraft to its course but his weakness was evident and with difficulty he was persuaded to desist. Though in great pain and suffering from exhaustion, he continued to help by writing directions with his left hand. Five hours after leaving the target the petrol began to run low, but soon afterwards the flare path at Bone airfield was sighted. Flight Sergeant Aaron summoned his failing strength to direct the bomb aimer in the hazardous task of landing the damaged aircraft in the darkness with undercarriage retracted. Four attempts were made under his direction; at the fifth Flight Sergeant Aaron was so near to collapsing that he had to be restrained by the crew and the landing was completed by the bomb aimer. Nine hours after landing, Flight Sergeant Aaron died from exhaustion. Had he been content, when grievously wounded, to lie still and conserve his failing strength, he would probably have recovered, but he saw it as his duty to exert himself to the utmost, if necessary with his last breath, to ensure that his aircraft and crew did not fall into enemy hands. In appalling conditions he showed the greatest qualities of courage, determination and leadership and, though wounded and dying, he set an example of devotion to duty which has seldom been equalled and never surpassed.”

Black and white photograph of three Royal Air Force Stirling bombers in flight over a patchwork of agricultural fields.

Short Stirling

Artistic rendering of a Royal Air Force Stirling bomber flying over a snowy mountain range at night.

Stirling over Alps en route to Italy

Flight Sergeant Aaron landed at 6 am on 13 August at Bone airfield, North Africa, but succumbed to his wounds in hospital late that same evening.

Last message written by FS Arthur Louis Aaron, VC, on reverse of a navigation map during his final flight, 13 August 1943

Last message written by Flt. Sgt. Aaron VC on reverse of a navigation map.

This testament to Trigg’s devotion to duty and the safety of his crew and aircraft is held by the RAF Museum and can be viewed at

NOTE: although the London Gazette tactfully attributed the attack on Aaron’s aircraft  to an enemy night fighter, the reality was that he was the victim of all-too-frequent cases of misidentification and the damage was actually caused by another Stirling firing on him.

Headstone of Flight Sergeant A. L. Aaron, VC DFM, Royal Air Force pilot, who died on 14th August 1943 at age 21. The headstone is inscribed with a tribute: 'An example of courage seldom equalled but never surpassed.

Flight Sergeant Aaron’s Victoria Cross is displayed in Leeds City Museum, his home town.


Citation: London Gazette November 1943

Additional biographical details: For Valour: The Air VCs Chaz Bowyer, Grub Street Publishing.


Flight Sergeant Aaron: RAF Museum (X003-0254)
Stirling: RAF Museum
Stirling painting: RAF Museum
Aaron’s message to crew: RAF Museum (A347_001)
Memorial: The War Graves Photographic Project (


About the Author

Norman Brice: Volunteer

Volunteer Norman Brice

It all started very many years ago when, lying in my pram, I was awoken by what I later knew as Spitfires on their finals to RAF Biggin Hill, just a handful of miles away. As a schoolboy I was captivated by the annual September Battle of Britain Days at Biggin Hill with a vast range of visiting aircraft, including all three V-Bombers in gleaming anti-flash white.

Fast forward very many years past retirement I joined the RAF Museum London as a volunteer as a Vulcan and Cold War tour guide.