McDonnell Douglas Phantom FG1 (Nose Only)
One of the most successful and widely-used warplanes of all time, originally designed to meet a US Navy requirement for a supersonic two-seat carrier-borne air defence fighter, …
One of the most successful and widely-used warplanes of all time, originally designed to meet a US Navy requirement for a supersonic two-seat carrier-borne air defence fighter, …
The Hawker Hunter F Mk.4 was the first major version of the aircraft and the first that could carry drop tanks or bombs on under-wing pylons. A …
During the Cold War, West Germany designed and manufactured two main battle tanks. The Leopard 1 was the first of these successful designs and was an unqualified …
Although widely identified in the public’s mind as a fire fighting appliance, this is actually a Civil Defence mobile pump unit. The design concept was based on …
The Mini was launched in 1959 to compete with the popular “bubble car”. Excellent handling compensated for the low power and success was achieved in motor sport. …
The Russian BMP-1 went into production in the early 1960’s and marked an important departure from previous armoured personnel carriers. Not just an infantry carrier, it provided …
The second half of the Cold War saw a major increase in urban terrorism. The Wheelbarrow is a remotely controlled bomb disposal vehicle designed to allow a …
With a growing demand for car ownership in the Eastern Bloc, the Trabant evolved from earlier designs as a car for the people. Steel was in short …
Following the cancellation of an Iranian Army order, the British army conducted trials with the system and an order was placed to equip the Royal Artillery air …
The Saladin had a protracted development before going into production in 1958. It entered service a year later and served in all parts of the world. In …
This armoured close reconnaissance vehicle is part of a family of tracked light armoured vehicles built for the British Army during the 1970s. The RAF Regiment used …
Production of the “People’s Car” began briefly in 1939 but stopped during the Second World War (1939 – 1945). Major Ivan Hirst of the British Army restarted …
The Centurion came into service just too late to see combat in the Second World War, but combat use in Korea, Vietnam and the Middle-East Arab-Israeli wars …
Once the British Army took over its NATO role of Northern Flank defence of Norway, it selected this fully-tracked and articulated Swedish vehicle for its over-snow performance. …
Perfection of this missile represents one of the greatest achievements in missile engineering. The problem presented to Lockheed and its subcontractors in 1956 was to produce an …