We are open daily from 10.00am
Our London site will be closed Wednesday 2 April

Travel Trade Bookings

We welcome all Travel Trade bookings. Our wonderful Museum offers many inspiring ways to experience the RAF story.

Check out some of our top picks and ideas for a truly memorable day out. Uncover our history and unique collections. We are happy to help you put an itinerary together to ensure you have the perfect visit.

Self-guided visit

It is essential for Travel Trade groups to book your coach party prior to your visit. For a one-off visit please make your booking here- Book a group visit - RAF Museum

Museum entry and designated coach parking are free of charge.

We have our Hendon Kitchen on site providing both hot and cold food as well as beverage options. Please visit RAF Café | Museum Café | Hendon Restaurant | RAF Museum to view the current menu.

Visit with an exclusive private tour.

The Highlights tour, learning the story of the Royal Air Force and of our London Museum through the objects and aircraft in our display. From the early days of the Claude Grahame-White factory to the unveiling of our Royal Charter in 2022 and everything Royal Air Force in between, each guide has selected their own choice of highlights to tell our story. Whether it is your first visit or your one hundredth, the tour is accessible to all, providing an orientation around the Museum and an opportunity to learn something new!

The cost of this tour is discounted to £7.50 per head (normal price £9.00 per head).

To book this tour, please note that we require 2 weeks’ notice before your visit. Final numbers must be confirmed at least a week before arrival; failure to do so will result in full payment for the number shown on the booking.

 Feeling peckish?

Thinking of a day trip? Why not add one of our four food options to your booking?

Our catering options can be seen here: RAF Museum Travel Menu 2024 London (1.3kb)

If you wish to book multiple visits to the museum please fill in the form linked here: https://forms.office.com/e/34wrqC3yQh

For all other information or questions, please contact the Customer Care Team at TravelTrade@rafmuseum.org.