Early Years Foundation Stage

Teddy's Travels (Nursery and Reception) - onsite or online
In a car or a plane, a boat or a helicopter, where could Teddy's medal be?
Suitable for age 3+
Teddy, the RAF bear, has been so busy taking care of things in the Museum that he has lost his medal! Join Teddy and his friends on their search as they explore different types of transport; from helicopters that help people to fast jet planes. This session fits well with a transport or people who help us theme.
Curriculum Links: Understanding the World
Cost: £75.00 per class onsite; £35.00 online
Workshop length: 45-60 minutes onsite; up to 30 minutes online
Fantastic Flight (Reception and KS1) - onsite or online
How do aeroplanes fly?
From the Wright Brothers to supersonic flight, find out how aircraft fly and how designs have changed. This workshop explores 100 years of flight, finding out about our amazing aircraft and sharing real-life stories from the RAF.
Curriculum links: History and Science
Cost: £75.00 per class onsite; £35.00 online
Workshop length: up to 60 minutes onsite; 30-40 minutes online
To view our full range of workshops, click here for the Primary programme.
To book please complete the online booking form.
For enquiries, please email learning-london@rafmuseum.org or phone 020 8358 4896.
The workshop was excellent and really interactive. The children were so engaged looking for the teddies hidden around the different planes and they learnt about the planes as they did this