Private Event: RAF Day
16 October 2025
Every year we close part of the Museum’s London site for one day to welcome RAF veterans and current serving personnel and to celebrate and commemorate with them their precious legacy. In 2025 this very special reunion happens on 16 October.
This day is a brilliant and unique opportunity for staff at the Museum to say BIG THANK YOU to RAF personnel from the past and present. As a Museum dedicated to the RAF, we can’t be grateful enough for all the help, support, invaluable objects and incredible real-life stories which the RAF provides for us so that we can share them with our visitors.
This annual event is also a chance to provide a space for you to meet old and new friends with a common bond. Perhaps you will use the day as a place to hold your reunion, perhaps a development day for those still serving, or maybe just a great day out. Whatever your reason for joining us on RAF day, you can expect a very warm welcome.
More details to be posted soon.