We are open daily from 10.00am

Frequently asked questions

When can I film at the Museum?

  • Access times alter depending on your specific requirements. The Museum is open from 10.00am to 5.00pm every day and photography and filming (using hand-held video cameras) for private and non-commercial use is permitted during this time.
  • Filming with special equipment is permitted while the museum is open under the supervision of a Museum representative; appointments can be made with prior agreement.
  • If you require access while the museum is closed, out-of-hours appointments can also be agreed.

Can I film the aircraft up-close?

  • Access to restricted areas can also be organised prior to your appointment; this includes close proximity to the aircraft and exhibits, and areas that are normally closed to the public. Please note that this may not include access to the interiors of any of the aircraft.
  • Personnel and equipment must not touch the aircraft or other exhibits.

What will the Museum provide?

  • A dedicated member of staff will be on hand to supervise the filming and photography in the Aircraft Hangars; our representative is responsible for the safety and conservation of the exhibits and reserves the right to remove any person or equipment at any time.

What lighting can I use?

  • We do allow special lighting rigs but the use of these needs to be agreed beforehand with the express permission from the technician. Lights must be at least 1.5m from metal aircraft and 2.5m from fabric-covered aircraft; they must also be far enough away not to fall onto the aircraft and surrounding exhibits.
  • Lights must be more than 3 metres directly below the fire detection sensors.
  • Lighting must also not be used longer than necessary and should be switched off when filming is not taking place.
  • No adjustments to the Museum lighting is permitted without prior approval, if any adjustments are required they will be made by the Museum’s electrician.

What equipment can I use?

  • Under the supervision of the Museum team and with prior arrangement you are welcome to film with specialist camera equipment.
  • Power cables are permitted, but may only be run along walkways in exceptional circumstances, in which case suitable precautions must be taken to prevent a trip hazard.
  • All plug-in electrical appliances must have been tested in accordance with the recommendations of the Health and Safety executive’s publication HS(G)107 or any publication which supersedes it.
  • Gangways and fire routes must be kept clear at all times and cable must be fixed firmly to kerbs with gaffer tape or similar.
  • Where drum-type power cables are used, cable must be pulled away from the drum before power is supplied.

Are any Licences required?

  • The material may only be used for the purpose specified: use for any other purpose must be the subject of separate agreements.
  • The material must not be used for purposes that may bring the Museum or the Royal Air Force into disrepute.


Office Opening Hours

9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Additional information

Car parking for corporate delegates is free of charge

Contact us

T: 01902 376 207 (Booking line)

Commercial Events,
Royal Air Force Museum Midlands,
Shifnal, Shropshire, TF11 8UP

Keep in touch: