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RAF Museum 2023 Research Lectures Call for Speakers

Published on: 16 January 2023

The RAF Museum seeks proposals from postgraduate students, early-career and established researchers for our annual Research Lecture Programme. Lectures will be hosted online and at sites in London, Cosford, Wolverhampton and Lancaster. Those lectures held in person will also be live-streamed online.

The Museum’s 2023 Research Programme will examine Air Power in its broadest sense building on our previous year’s series. The 2023 series aims to encompass not only the history of air warfare and the RAF but also related fields such as Archaeology, Law and Ethics, Museology, International Relations, and Strategic Studies. We are particularly keen to receive papers relating to the future direction of Air and Space Power, such as defence procurement and force organisation.

Gulf War Victor tanker and Tornado after air-to-air refuelling.

For lectures held online, the events will have a maximum running time of 75 minutes, and in person events, the running time is a maximum of 90 minutes. For online lectures, speakers have forty-five minutes to present their talk, for lectures held in person, speakers have up to one hour to present their talk. For both online and in-person lectures, the talks will be followed by a question-and-answer session of 30 minutes.

The RAF Museum Research Programme includes evening lectures held in conjunction with the University of Wolverhampton, and Lancaster University’s Centre for War and Diplomacy. The Museum also hosts lunchtime lectures at its site in Cosford.

As part of the Museum’s ongoing commitment to encourage debate regarding Airpower and the history of the RAF we also host research discussion panels involving a series of shorter talks followed by an open discussion.

If you are interested in delivering a Lecture or proposing a discussion panel, please send: the title of your lecture, the length of which should not exceed 90 characters, a 300-word abstract of your proposed lecture or panel, and a 200-word biography to Samuel Hollins ( by Monday 6 February 2023.

If you would like to informally discuss the opportunity of presenting a lecture, then you are warmly encouraged to contact Samuel.

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