Our new opening times are Wednesday - Thursday 10am to 4pm. Please complete the online form below at least 5 working days before you'd like to visit.

Once submitted a member of the team will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss the details of and to confirm your visit.

If you have any queries about booking a visit, please email readingroom@rafmuseum.org.

I am a ...(Required)
Select date DD slash MM slash YYYY
Select date DD slash MM slash YYYY
PLEASE NOTE: To ensure material is available for your visit you will need to pre-order the items you wish to see. You may pre-order up to a maximum of 10 items. No retrieval will take place 12pm-2pm. On the day retrieval may be possible outside of these times depending on the items requested and available resources. The duty team will determine whether this is possible on a daily basis. Last item orders will be at 2pm to provide readers the time to view these
What is the nature of your research?(Required)
Research output(Required)

If you request copies of documents or make your own copies with a camera, you will be asked to complete a copyright declaration. If you wish to publish images of material held in our collection, you must contact the Museum to discuss the necessary permissions and reproduction fees that are applicable. Please tick the box below to confirm you have understood the above.
Please tick the box below to confirm you have understood the above.(Required)
Can we keep you informed of our programme of events and research lectures?(Required)

Information submitted on this form will be used for the purposes of processing your booking, to enable us to compile statistics of our users for registration, geographical distribution, purpose of visit, and to ensure the security of the often unique and irreplaceable materials we hold. If you have agreed to received information about the research programme, your details will also be used for this purpose.