Landscape and Sustainability

We will deliver our programme to help the Museum reach our Carbon Net Zero target.

The RAF is also on a mission to reduce carbon emissions and achieve Net Zero across its estate. We are passionate that that we all have a responsibility to reduce our environmental impact and prevent climate change and we are committed to playing our part in ensuring our planet has a positive and long-lasting future. We will learn alongside the service, working with their sustainability think tank experts.

Increasing biodiversity and visitor wellbeing

We will invest in greening our site landscape to provide new opportunities for carbon capture, increasing biodiversity and delivering spaces in which visitors and staff can improve their physical and mental health.

Our site redevelopment will include walking trails and opportunities for discovery, learning, rest and contemplation. Investment in the outdoor realm outside the Collections Hub and new exhibition will incorporate seating with pockets of greenery creating much-needed outdoor facilities creating the option to host learning activities outdoors.

We will co-design these areas with groups that may not have access to green spaces, offering volunteering opportunities to help maintain them in the future. We will also explore and present stories of the RAF’s own environmental innovation within these new landscapes.

The RAF Museum Midlands Development Programme is being made possible with The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Thanks to National Lottery players, we are able to progress our plans for this project.Made possible with the National Lottery Heritage Fund