The Vulcan Challenge has now ended.

Tracking your distance 

We have created a Distance Logbook so you can keep track of your walks, runs or swims. You can download it by clicking below. Print it off or save it on your phone or computer.  


Submitting your final distance  

Once you have completed your distance then head to our Submission Portal. You will need your booking reference, which you will find in your booking confirmation email. 

All you need to do is type in your booking reference and the last name on the booking and it will ask you to add in the name, age and distance completed for each challenger. Please make sure there are no spaces after the booking reference or your surname, and that you use a capital letter. So for example, Smith instead of smith. 

If you booked multiple places, then it will ask you for each person’s name, age and distance. The last page is confirmation of your postal address. Please note, that if you placed an order for multiple entries they will go to the one postal address.   

You don’t need to upload your distance logbook; this is just to help you track your distance.  


Sharing your Challenge with us 

We want to be with you on every step of your challenge journey. Share photos, maps and more by using the hashtag #VulcanChallenge2022 on your posts. You can also tag the RAF Museum in on social media by using @rafmuseum.  

If you haven’t already joined our Virtual Running Facebook group then join today! If you are after a welcoming group of people that share their connections to the RAF and have a love for being active, then click below. 

Everything you need to complete your challenge can be found by scanning this QR code or ready.